Delivery time
Your order will be shipped within 1 to 3 working days.
We will confirm by email when your order is ready to be picked up by the delivery service (Bpost). The delivery service will contact you by email and provide you with a tracking code with which you can track the package.
Usually the package will be delivered the working day after shipment (Belgium), but this is no guarantee.
Shipping costs
Belgium: β¬6,95 (and free for orders over β¬150)
Netherlands: β¬8,95 (and free for orders over β¬150)
France: β¬8,95 (and free for orders over β¬150)
Germany: β¬8,95 (and free for orders over β¬150)
Other countries: send us a message at
Items labeled βpre-orderβ will be shipped on a later date. We will delay the shipment of your entire order until the estimated shipping date noted in the product details. Would you like to receive the other items faster? No problem, just place separate orders.
Not at home?
If you are not at home at the time of delivery, the postman will leave a note in your mailbox. This allows you to pick up the package at the post office or pick-up point.